Norbord employee Nick Brown and family members enjoy the Beavers’ Oct. 15
win over Alaska Anchorage.
Thanks to Norbord Minnesota’s support for Beaver Hockey, free tickets to home games at the Sanford Center are available to employees and their families, even on short notice. The wood products mill in Solway has purchased about 20 season tickets for employee use, which in turn supports BSU athletic scholarships through a contribution to Beaver Pride. Information about upcoming games is posted on a screen in the employee lunchroom.
“We want to make sure our team members who are interested in attending games get an opportunity to do that,” said Cam Lewis, Norbord Minnesota general manager. “It’s a really nice option for our folks in the middle of winter to be able to see Division I hockey in a really nice
Norbord offers employees tickets to other BSU sports as well, Lewis said: “It’s getting our folks more connected to the university through athletics.”