Over 50 BSU students, alumni and faculty & staff watched a virtual panel featuring four BSU alumni working in aquatic biology and fisheries careers.

Co-hosted by the BSU Alumni & Foundation office and the aquatic biology department, attendees were able to learn more about careers in aquatic biology and fisheries remotely via ZOOM. The event was free and open to the public.

You can view the recording here.


Calub Shavlik '95
Acting Area Fisheries Supervisor
Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources
Park Rapids, Minn.

Sam Peterson '17
Big Rivers - Assistant Fisheries Biologist
Sugar Ridge Fish and Wildlife Area
Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources
Winslow, Ind.

Kathryn Renik '19
Fisheries Biologist
Escanaba Lake Research Station
Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources
Boulder Junction, Wisc.

Phillip Oswald '16
Monitoring and Education Specialist
International Water Institute
Fargo, ND