Stella Dolan 2023

By Stella Dolan

Published 11:32 a.m. on Aug. 31, 2024

The Bemidji School District was greeted with a delightful surprise on Wednesday, Aug. 28, as Bucky made a special visit to kick off their all-staff meeting. Bucky brought a little sweetness to the morning as he spread school spirit and alumni pride among the community.

Bucky’s appearance not only brought smiles but also highlighted the strong connection between Bemidji Area Schools and BSU. With approximately 300 of the district’s 850 employees being Bemidji State alumni, the bond between the two institutions is vital.

Staff members, many of whom are BSU graduates, appreciated the gesture, which served as a reminder of their shared roots and the importance of giving back to the community.

As the district gears up for another successful school year, Bucky wanted to uplift staff members with a sweet treat before the district begins next week.

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